Last Friday night there was a wonderful display of talent at a concert which was part of the 150th commemoration celebrations of St. Nicholas’ Church. Unfortunately the event clashed with a number of other events linked to people in the parish, but all in all it was adequately attended and enjoyed by all. There is great credit due to all those who gave of their time and talent for the occasion. These include all the artistes, the Churchtown church choir, the Cahirmee Singers, the Four Amigos (Pat Kellher, Denis Keogh, Tom Keogh and Liam O’Reilly), Suzanne Hayes Trad Group, Bridie Cronin, Muireann O’Brien, Samantha Barrett, Noel Linehan, Mecca Barrett, Noel Coleman as St. Nicholas and Michael McCarthy and friends from Mallow along with our three accompanists Louise Roche, Helen Fitzpatrick and Lil O’Toole. As with other events, some people assisted the steering group for this event, P.J. O’Driscoll as MC, Helen Daly, Liam O’Reilly on sound and Noel Linehan, and this was very much appreciated. The acoustics in the church were perfect for the occasion.
The next event in the Commemorative Programme which is also the main event is the Special Mass on June 24th with Bishop William Crean. This Mass at 7.30p.m. will also see the return of some priests who have previously ministered in the parish and some who have familial links with Churchtown.