Emma O’Sullivan from Glin, a native of Kilkenny, will represent Team Trans-plant Ireland at the 10th European Transplant and Dialysis Sports Cham-pionships to be held in Cagliari, Sardinia, from June 17-24th. Emma will be part of a 24-strong team -14 women and 10 men- which will compete against athletes from more than 25 countries. Emma, who is married to John, has undergone two kidney transplants, her first in 1988 and her second 17 years ago.
The 2018 Ireland panel includes 5 liver transplant recipients, 16 kidney recipients and three dialysis patients including two women who underwent combined kidney/pancreas transplants, await another kidney but have a fun-ctioning pancreas.
For more information on the 10th European Tran-splant and Dialysis Sports Championships and the Irish athletes, visit the team blog www.transplant teamireland.wordpress.com, or go to the Games website http://www.cagliarietdsc2018.it
Organ Donor Cards can also be obtained by phoning the Irish Kidney Association tel. 01 6205306, Freetext the word DONOR to 50050, or visit website www.ika.ie/get-a-donor-card and download the ‘Digital Organ Donor card’. Your wishes to be an organ donor can also be included on the new format driving licence which is represented by Code 115.
Emma to represent Ireland at European Transplant Games
May 17, 2018
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