The vexed issue of what to do with the site of the former sugar factory in Mallow was raised once again this week at the monthly meeting of the Northern Committee of Cork Co. Council, where Cllr John Paul O’Shea proposed that the council write to Greencore and the Minister for Agriculture, asking them to consider developing a biofuel plant on the site.
Mallow Sugar Factory closed in 2006 with the loss of 240 jobs, and it caused a major economic downturn throughout North Cork at a time when the Celtic Tiger was still in full flow. The plant was subsequently dismantled and the site has lain idle ever since.
Monday’s meeting was told that the factory should never have been closed, and councillors were in agreement that the council should put pressure on Greencore to develop the site and bring a new industry to Mallow.
Council wants new industry for sugar factory site
December 20, 2018
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