‘Healthcare Opportunities for Women’ won the Special Recognition award for an ESF Initiative sponsored by the European Social Fund at the Aontas Star Awards in the Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place Dublin on Monday, 2nd March. Healthcare Opportunities for Women is delivered by Ballyhoura Development CLG, in partnership with SECAD Partnership, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, and Cork Education and Training Board. It is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund through the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL 2014-2020). The programme supports women, who have been out of work, with training, mentoring, advice and guidance to support them to build a career as a Healthcare Professional. The programme is part time, flexible and is designed to work around family life. Participants who complete the prog-ramme receive two QQI Level 5 Major Awards (Healthcare Support and Health Service Skills), participate in supported work placement, and are part of a wider network of women working in healthcare. New partici-pants will be fully qualified to work as a Healthcare Assistant in a community, residential or hospital setting.
These prestigious awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. ‘Healthcare Opportunities for Women’ has supported over 160 women across Co. Cork and East Limerick since 2017, with over 80% of participants now working as Health Care Assistants in nursing homes, residential settings and in the community.
At the awards ‘Young Offenders’ star Hilary Rose was the special guest, and said, “Adult learning is such a positive part of Irish communities and the groups here today represent that.”
Niamh O’Reilly, CEO of Aontas, highlighted the need for increased investment in adult learning. “The projects receiving awards today and, indeed, all those which entered the awards, show how important adult learning is for communities right across Ireland,” she said. “In particular, adult education plays a vital role in communities with high levels of unemployment, isolation and margina-lisation. Given the crucial role adult learning plays, we are reiterating our call for the next government to increase investment in adult and community education. In particular, we want to see a minister of state appointed with special responsibility for adult, community, and further education and training.”
If you are interested in this programme please contact Nichola on 086-6003665 or ngrufferty@ballyhoura.org
National award for Ballyhoura Development programme
March 26, 2020
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