Mallow relief road – choose your favourite route

Route options for the proposed Mallow Relief Road were announced in recent weeks and a map with same has been on display in Mallow Library, as well as being available online at Nine possible routes have been selected for people to make submissions and next Tuesday, 18th August, is the closing date for the submission of questionn-aires. Cork Co. Council has invited the public to check out the nine route options and comment on their favourite.
A relief road for Mallow has been on the agenda for several decades, and rising traffic levels in recent years have highlighted the urgent need for cars, trucks, and especially heavy goods vehicles to bypass the town instead of travelling into the centre and adding to already-congested streets.
Cork Co. Council plans to announce the preferred route in the early months of 2021, and submissions from interested parties are invited. Once the route is selected, work on the bypass road could begin in the next five years if the go-ahead is given. An allocation of €430,000 for planning and design work on the relief road was announced in the past month.