Charleville Chamber wants your opinion on  Cork-Limerick Motorway

Following the publication of route options for the proposed Cork-Limerick Motorway, Charleville Chamber of Commerce has set up a sub-group to discuss a proposed submission on behalf of the Chamber. The sub-group is made up of five board members, Ray Lee, Martin, James Sheehy, Paul Murray and Ian Doyle, plus two representatives of the chamber’s Retail/Parking/Planning workgroup, Paul Murray and PJ McCarthy. Cllrs Ian Doyle and John Paul O’Shea are also on the sub-group. A spokes-person told the Vale/Mallow Star this week that, “We are very mindful of the vastly differing opinions that will emerge in these discussions, even amongst Chamber mem-bers, and we also need to be cognisant of the wider societal impact of these discussions, in terms of impacts on people’s homes along the proposed routes etc.
“Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that we are fully transparent in how we go about this process and ensure that we have clear on which we will base our decisions and subsequent submission.
“Our overarching aim will be to work to influence the choice of route selections that best helps to deliver on the vision of our new Chamber board which is to establish Charleville as a vibrant economic town in which to work, live and invest.
“We will be sending out an online survey next week to get opinions, and we would be grateful if people can complete this as it will very much guide the submission of Charleville Chamber of Commerce,” the spokesperson said. The proposed route options that are currently being considered can be seen on