The new Rector of the Mallow Union of Parishes, Reverend Meurig Will-iams, took up parish duties at the weekend, and led services at St James’s Mallow, St Mary’s Doneraile and St Mary’s Castletownroche. The new rector, who replaces Reverend Eithne Lynch, was instituted in Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork, last Wednesday, 6th January, by Bishop of Cork Cloyne and Ross, Dr Paul Colton. Speaking at the event, Bishop Colton said, “This Epiphany Eucharist tonight is not as we might have wished. I should be in St. James’s Church in Mallow. We should be there in great numbers, joined by clergy and lay people from all over the diocese and local community, to welcome your new rector, the Reverend Meurig Williams. Since his arrival on 18th December, he might ordinarily have expected to be able to go out and about in the community, but instead he has been confined to his home: isolated and in quarantine. In the weeks ahead you should be meeting him on Sundays at church and in your homes as he makes his way around the parish.”
Meurig Williams is new rector of Mallow Union of Parishes
January 14, 2021
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