A music night will held in Cronin’s bar, Newcastle West, on Thursday November 29th commencing at 9pm with the entire proceeds of the evening going to the Oncology Unit at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital.
Jerry Cronin of Cronin’s Bar had a brush with cancer five years ago and was treated at the Oncology Unit, and he cannot speak highly enough of the treatment that he received there. Jerry vowed, on regaining good health, that he would do something by way of fundraising as pay-back for the kind attention he received and hence the evening of music and song. A number of top class musicians and singers headed up by well-known popular local artist Paddy Qulligan, all of whom are giving their services free, are lined up for what promises to be a very entertaining evening.
Jerry is appealing to as many as possible to turn up on the evening as there are so many families that have been touched by cancer and have had occasion to use the Oncology Unit.
Admission is free and there will be a bucket collection inside when patrons can give freely to the cause,
Seamus Hennessy will be M.C. for the evening and there will be a raffle, spot prizes and finger food.