The official launch of the Charleville 2013 calendar took place last Wednesday evening 12th December in the St Vincent de Paul meeting rooms. The calendar, which features photographs of Charleville and its people from times past, was extremely well received and there was great discussion and reminiscing on the people and places featured in the calendar. Canon Cotter officially launched the calendar, he commended all those involved in its production, especially the local businesses who provided the sponsorship which offset the printing/production costs, those who provided photographs for the calendar and the business’s who provided refreshments for the launch. He welcomed the fact that two local charities had come together in a joint venture to raise much needed funds and observed that community spirit was indeed strong in Charleville. Ian Doyle of St Vincent de Paul said that the local organisation was delighted to be involved in this fundraising initiative, he thanked all those involved in the production of the calendar and commended them on the quality of the production. Gerard O’Connor of Ballyhoura Rural Services echoed the sentiments of the other speakers and thanked the businesses who were very kindly selling the calendar on behalf of both organisations. He also paid tribute to all the Ballyhoura Rural Services staff involved in the devel-opment and production of the calendar. Musical accompaniment on the evening was kindly provided by Jimmy Foley.