This year’s production of Bernard Farrell’s ‘All In Favour Said No’ is the Open Door Drama Group’s seventh offering to the public. Since the group was formed it has gone from strength to strength. One of its aims is new members and every production has seen a new face treading the boards. This year is no exception as we welcome John Manley who plays Ronnie Partridge.
The group’s producer/director is Billy Barry and his many years of producing and acting shines through in all of the plays they have staged.
This play is set in Donnycarney Metalworks Factory, and revolves around an industrial dispute. In this play Bernard Farrell demons-trates his ability to be hugely entertaining and mercilessly observant. There is a cast of twelve which includes Pat Taylor, Phil Barry, Denis O’Leary, Denis Healy, Sean O’Connor, Geraldine Scanlon, Majella Philpott, Norma Tobin, Claire Wallace, Conor Dawson, Tom Healy and new member John Manley. The play runs on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 9th February in Dromahane Community Centre, nightly at 8p.m. Admission €10, conc-essions €5.
If you want a great night out, to watch amateur drama at its best, don’t miss it.