The 2013 clean-up has started and several projects are in progress to make Mallow a town to be proud of. The Mallow Tidy Town volunteers are already hard at work but support is needed from all sections of the community, businesses, estates and schools, as well as individuals. Your Town Needs You.
McDonald’s has come on board, pledging to keep the Hibernian Way and Park Road playground tidy by donating the services of their own workforce (well done McDonald’s!) and last Saturday morning they provided welcome tea and coffee to the volunteers who were at our current project site at the corner of Bridge Street/Park Road, where a derelict area is being prepared for tree planter boxes and a general clean-up.
We are asking everyone to step up to the challenge to help make Mallow a town to be proud of. Be part of the change!
Over the coming weeks representatives of Mallow Tidy Towns will be calling to schools, businesses and local residents’ groups to canvass and plan their support in the big clean up – Many Hands Make Light Work. If you would like to become a volunteer, please check our website ( for updates, find us on Facebook or text your name to 087 635 9944 to be added to our SMS list.