Despite having to postpone their very popular Family Fun Day, Buttevant Heritage group went ahead with the unveiling of the magnificent medieval mural and the launch of the significant history book on Buttevant’s past last Sunday.
Postponing of the Heritage Group’s event in the Castle Grounds was a great disappointment after all the work and for Matt Nagle, who had spent two weeks preparing this wonderful location for the Heritage group’s programme. The Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan was present to cut the ribbon to unveil the mural and officially launch the history book in the Market House: ‘Buttevant An Anglo- French Town’ by Eamonn Cotter. In wet, miserable conditions a large crowd gathered in the Ball Alley as the minister cut the ribbon to unveil the mural. Present also were Cork County Mayor Mrs Barbara Murray from another Walled Medieval Town, Youghal, Conor Nelligan, Heritage officer Cork Co Council, local Co Councillors, editor of the history book, Archaeologist/Heritage consultant Eamonn Cotter; Dr Dagmar O’Riain-Raedel UCC, and Dr Paul Mac Cotter, UCC, who gave a short resumé of the mural. The atmosphere was greatly helped by the wonderful pipe music of Philip Cotter, who piped the large crowd from the mural to Market House for the book launch. The parade was headed by the Barry Clan and Lombards, Minister Deenihan and Buttevant Heritage Group in medieval dress, Chairman and Secretary Community Council joined by some members from the Twinning Group and other organisations from Buttevant.
Buttevant has waited a long time for the production of the important work on its ancient history from 12th cent to 20th century contributed to by some of the most eminent academics of history and archaeology in Ireland and France as well as a local cleric, Mgr James O’Brien, whose work on the building of St Mary’s Church will be of great interest to many. Despite the scholarship of the contributors, it is an engaging and easy read.
The local Heritage Group were greatly assisted in holding these two events by very welcome help from the Twinning Group and Community Council and many individuals.
The group are very grateful to Jerry and Kieran Hynes, who as ever, provided totally reliable sound for the speakers as well as suitable platform and Lyla’s Kitchen supplied delicious lunch for the visiting guests. The Twinning Group gave invaluable assistance as hostesses, prividing a cup of tea for locals as well as serving a light lunch to the visiting guests; thanks to Ann Coughlan and Mary Aherne, with help also from Carmel Lee. The Twinning Group’s assistance was also greatly appreciated in selling the book, which went like hot cakes! Thanks to Tommy Blake and Marian O’Sullivan. Thanks to the Community Council for the use of the Market House and much assistance from their chairman, John Lee, and to everyone who helped in any way with the weekend’s event and especially those who undertook painting their premises and adding flowers and generally helping to tidy up the approach to Buttevant. Some premises made a great effort with lovely displays. It helped so much to make Buttevant look its best for this important occasion in our town.
The history book ‘Buttevant-An Anglo-French Town’ will be available locally at Dan O’Connors and at Billy Hutch’s.