The community of Knocklong celebrated the official opening of their renovated Community Centre recently as part of the Community Gathering Weekend.
John Lonergan, former governor of Mountjoy Prison, was the key speaker and he spoke about the importance of community in rural Ireland. That very sense of community was never more evident in Knocklong during the Community Gathering Weekend. The Badgers, a traditional Irish music group, provided the entertainment, as people enjoyed a cheese and wine reception. Knocklong Development Association took the opportunity to display their plan for Knocklong, a 6 year plan for the community which will be launched in November in conjunction with Ballyhoura Develop-ment Ltd. A historic graves exhibition displayed the rich history of Knocklong’s past whilst the children gave their thoughts on the future of Knocklong with their “Knocklong Community Through Sound Exhibition”.
The Friday night official opening preceded a weekend full of activities. Saturday events included a historical walk through Knocklong, a Back to School Disco and Dancing to Sunset. To cap off the weekend, a Family Fun Day was held on Sunday. The future of Knocklong is bright and Knocklong Development Association will reveal very ambitious plans for the community in November.