CDYS Gouldshill launches Big Blue Cube

CDYS Mallow sees the launch of another exciting project at its new Gouldshill location. The Big Blue Cube project will launch today, Thursday, July 3rd at 7pm.  All are welcome to visit and see our brand new building and all the fun activities on offer.  In partnership with Cork County Council, CDYS took over the management of this shiny new centre in September 2013. Since then, the centre has been bursting with activities. The centre serves the residential area in which it is located, as well as many young people living on the southside of Mallow town.  The Summer Programme starts on 7th July for 3 weeks and offers a wide variety of programmes for young people to enjoy. Email for a copy, or drop into the centre to pick up your copy.

Mallow Youth Centre also has activities for young people from the age of 12 to enjoy at rock-bottom prices. Call in or contact us on 022 53526 for further information or check our Facebook page at CDYS Youth Work Ireland.

CDYS Bingo

Our Bingo jackpot this coming Sunday 6th July is €850 in 46 calls or less. Doors open at 7pm and bingo kicks off at 7.30pm. Come along and try your luck.