Major developments of facilities at Davis College and Gaelscoil Thomáis Dáibhis can proceed after An Bord Pleanala gave the go-ahead for the projects.
The original planning per-mission was granted last January, but residents of the area objected to An Bord Pleanala. In its ruling, An Bord Pleanála upheld Cork County Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the construction of a part single-storey to part three-storey stand-alone extension to the south (rear) of Davis College, to cater for 625 pupils (area 5,003m sq), comprising classrooms, laboratories, social area, administration rooms, special education needs unit and associated ancillary accommodation. This will include hard-playing areas, 50 new car parking spaces, upgrade works and realignment of Sexton’s Boreen, plus a new pedestrian entrance to Gaelscoil Thomáis Dáibhis.
Minister of State Seán Sherlock warmly welcomed the decisions to grant final planning permission to the developments in Davis College and Gaelscoil Thomais Daibhis. “This is another milestone for educational investment,” he said.