Green Flag Celebration At Scoil Naomh Ide, Ashford

The Green Schools committee with their coordinator Marion Brosnan. G Mol Scoil Naomh Íde Ashford Raise Green Flag
The Green Schools committee with their coordinator Marion Brosnan.
G Mol Scoil Naomh Íde Ashford Raise Green Flag

The Green Schools programme is an internationally recognised programme promoting responsible behaviour and attitudes towards the environment in children and the wider community. It is meant to be an intrinsic part of life in school and indeed outside of school, as care for the environment does not stop at 3pm with the end of the school day. We live in a beautiful area and we do our best to preserve this beauty for the generations to come!

The children at Scoil Naomh Íde, Ashford, have taken very enthusiastically to engaging in the activities of the Green School programme. They have taken part in National Spring Clean every year for the last number of years. They monitor litter levels in the school, both inside and outside the classroom. They collect used batteries and stamps for proper recycling. They have established their own compost bin in the school field. They keep a check on all types of wastage – paper, electricity, water and they have been rewarded for their efforts with the awarding of the Green Flag. This is not the end but only the beginning! They will be required to maintain their efforts with regard to Litter and Waste and there are 5 more themes to be worked on. It is hoped to start work on the theme of “Energy” when school returns in September.

There are many people who have been involved in the programme without whose help it would not be possible. Firstly thanks to the children, past and present. Because of the small numbers in our school every child has been part of the Green Schools committee. Every child has taken on a responsibility and carried out that responsibility diligently. It was delightful to see some of the original members of the committee back today to help in the celebration. Staff members, past and present – Mr. Dillon, Mrs. McSweeney, Miss Brouder, Miss Hurley, Mrs. Kenny and Mary Walsh and it was brilliant to see some of them back for the day, also Mrs. Stritch who joined us midway in the programme and joined in enthusiastically.

Thanks to John McGrath and his CEC scheme. They have always been only a phone call away when help was needed with repairs, leaks, painting and mowing the grass. We appreciate their work very much and indeed the whole parish has the sign of their hard work. Thanks to Donie Barrett who spent a long hard day here last Wednesday power hosing the school and yards, also Jason Kelly who organised the job and has done it for us on other occasions. Thanks to Tommy and Mary Anglim for allowing the use of their yard in which to erect the flag pole and to Fr. Keating for allowing us to borrow the pole on a temporary basis, also to Noel and Donnacha for helping us to erect the pole.

To our very supportive Parents Association we say a big thank you. It is they who prepared the very special refreshments enjoyed on the day. They have always been very supportive of what we are trying to do in the school. We all work together for the betterment of our children. The children are and should be the focus of all our efforts, also the Board of Management for their continued support over the years. They have been very supportive, both financially and in encouragement of any initiatives that we wish to take part in.

We live in a beautiful world and we are doing our bit at local level to preserve our environment for future generations. We hope the knowledge and information the children have learned, they will use on a wider scale when they move on from primary school.