Plans to erect a wind turbine at Carrigduff, just outside Mallow town, were abandoned in the past week by Coillte after the forestry company announced that it had with-drawn the application.
News earlier this year that a planning application had been lodged for a single wind turbine on a site over-looking Mallow resulted in over 120 objections being lodged, plus the formation of the Friends of Knock-aroura who campaigned against the proposal. The group has welcomed Coillte’s decision to withdraw the application, saying they were not against wind turbines but felt they should be erected in more suitable locations which do not interfere with the environment or farmland, and with a greater safe setback distance from all residential property. The group also urged people to be vigilant regarding all planning applications in their locality, while adding that they looked forward to working with Coillte in the future to enhance the Carrigduff amenity for the people of Mallow.
In their statement on the matter,
the forestry com-pany said, “Coillte is no longer seeking planning permission for a single wind turbine at Carrigduff, Co. Cork. The decision to withdraw from the planning process follows further technical exami-nation of the site and capacity analysis of road access.”