Britvic and Desmond College successfully completed The Skills @ Work Programme
Britvic’s employees in the Ballygowan plant have concluded another successful year of Business in the Community (BITCI) Skills @ Work programme working with the students of Desmond College. The school to business partnership provides senior cycle students with a unique first-hand insight into the world of work and encourages school completion rates.
Over the course of the programme, Britvic employees provided a number of talks on the background of the company, its products, roles and responsibilities of staff as well as workshops on personal development, CV preparation and interview techniques. The students were also brought on a site visit to Ballygowan and saw the various career opportunities that exist within the facility.
At a special presentation in the boardroom recently, students received Certificates of Achievement for completing the programme and gave feedback on their experiences of the programme to staff from the Newcastle West site and those who also visited from other Britvic Ireland sites.
Representing Britvic, Billy Lee, Operations Manager, commenting on the partnership with Desmond College said:
“Employees really enjoyed watching the youngsters grow especially in terms of confidence. It’s a pleasure to know that you played some part in that development from the first day you see them to the day that they present back to you. So it’s a pleasure and privilege to be involved.”
Vourneen Gavin, Principal of Desmond College speaking about the value of the Skills @Work Programme for the students added: “This programme broadens horizons, helps students view their future in terms of a career as opposed to just a job and to think outside the box as well as looking at traditional areas. It improves student/management/pupil relations, improves their confidence when addressing authority, makes students proud of their school and themselves and it encourages them to focus on their strengths.”