The Dromcollogher cooperative tradition is active again supporting farmers, growers and new food businesses. “An Meitheal Cooperative Society Ltd” has just been officially registered as a new cooperative and is open to new members and shareholders. Formed to assist startup producers and users of sustainable local food produce, the cooperative currently operates to group purchase food, materials and as a distribution point for local produce.
As many of the cooperative members are working from home on a small scale, the need for a central distribution point and a community production kitchen have been identified as key to expansion and further success. Over the past year with help from West Limerick Resources, the Co-op has conducted market research and identified several such food producers from the West Limerick, North Cork area in need of support.
A number of working models of modern production community kitchen have been visited and costings done for the provision of such a facility in the Dromcollogher area.
An Meitheal is part of a network of new Co-operatives which are growing from a need to retain spending in local communities, to provide high quality, local, sustainable food to consumers and to ensure a fair return to the producer. With direct links to the organic producers, to the Little Milk Company, to beekeepers throughout the county as well as the Limerick Grocery Coop, it is building a network of quality food experiences for locals and tourists in line with the recently published Limerick Food Strategy.
Dromcollogher, with the Co-operative creamery museum, the organic college and an increasing number of small food businesses, is ideally placed to be a food hub for the West Limerick / North Cork area. As farm prices continue to drop and a greater share is claimed by supermarkets, adding value locally and direct selling are key tools for building stable healthy communities.
Membership of An Meitheal is open to anyone interested in sustainable quality food. The Co-op is currently involved in fundraising and meets monthly, with the next meeting set for Tuesday February 7th. An Meitheal secretary John McBreen may be contacted through email or by phone 085-1750898. New members, supporters and shareholders are welcome.
‘An Meitheal’; Newly Registered Co-operative in Dromcollogher!
January 26, 2017
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