The much-anticipated €9 million extension at Davis College has cleared the final hurdle and has been sanctioned by the Department of Education. The construction will see the capacity of the school reach over 1,000 pupils, and Chairperson of the Board of Management Noel O’Connor, and Principal Stephen Gilbert said they were delighted that the extension had been given the green light. The project consists of the construction of a new stand-alone structure of approximately 5,000 sq.m., comprising standard classrooms, science laboratories, social areas, administration rooms, Special Education Needs Unit, and associated ancillary accommodation. There will also be specialist engineering, construction, art, home economics, music and DCG rooms, as well as car parking and landscaping and the construction of new external stores. Outdoor facilities will also include a full-size pitch and basketball courts.
The existing building, which is still in excellent condition, will remain an integral part of the school with plans to give over one of the wings to the Gaelcholáiste. The prefabs currently in place will be removed, and this will allow for additional parking in the school grounds. Disruption to the existing school will be minimal, as Sexton’s Boreen has been recently upgraded to accommodate construction traffic.
Approval granted for extension to Davis College
May 24, 2018
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