Desmond College hosted the first of its kind Art Exhibition/Competition on Monday 10th October, celebrating the beginning of a week long awareness campaign about Positive Mental Health. This event was jointly organised by volunteer members of West Limerick Mental Association and staff of Desmond College. Ms Vourneen Gavin-Barry (Principal) began proceedings by welcoming community members, TY students, parents and teachers from Desmond College, Hazelwood College and Scoil Mhuire Agus Ide. Eileen O’Sullivan judged the artwork and awarded prizes to all schools for their participation in this initiative. Dan Sheehan and fellow musicians played traditional music, entertaining all present. This music was punctuated by an address from the Chairperson of West Limerick Mental Health Association, Mary Browne. It was followed by an inspiring speech by Seamus Hennessy who took time out to connect with the TY students on various aspects of their development as students and young adults. He went on to present prizes to the students for the fine artwork they developed in preparation for this worthy event.

Art Exhibition In Association with West Limerick Mental Health Association
October 12, 2011
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