Banteer Sportsfield among the winners at Mayor’s Community Awards

Congratulations to Banteer Community Sportsfield and Park, winner of the overall group award in the North Cork category at the Mayor’s Community Awards. Pictured is County Mayor Cllr Danny Collins making the presentation to the group.

Outstanding contributions made by individuals and community and voluntary groups across Cork County were showcased at the 10th Annual Mayor’s Community Awards this week. Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Danny Collins, presented a total of 11 awards on the night, with Barry Cogan from South Cork winning the Overall Individual Award, and Banteer Community Sportsfield CLG winning the overall Community Group Award.
Mayor Collins warmly commended all nominees on the night for their commitment and dedication to their comm unities. “This is truly one of the highlights of my mayoral term. This is a fantastic opportunity for me, for Cork County Council and for the people of Cork to show our appreciation for the hard work and com passion that goes into strengthening our com munities and inspiring one another to succeed. It is truly an honour for me to be able to recognise and celebrate your achievements this evening.”
Banteer Community Sportsfield CLG, winners of the Mayor’s Comm unity Overall Group Award, was opened in January 2023 by Minister Heather Humphries, TD. The Sportsfield was the culmination of seven years of hard work from its concept in 2016. The project was delivered with the support of the Rural Regeneration Fund, IRD Duhallow, LEADER programme funding, Sports Capital Funds and Cork County Council, as well as trojan local fundraising efforts. The new regulation-sized AstroTurf pitch and community building also includes changing rooms, toilets, facilities for persons with disabilities, spectator stand, museum, digital hub and café, and is a fabulous amenity for the community.
Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey added, “Cork County Council’s mission to improve quality of life and of environment, to preserve and promote local amenities and treasure heritage, all qualities which are greatly advantaged by the incredible work done at a community level through-out the county. It’s no exaggeration to say that many of the great things about towns and villages in the county are thanks to the work of the nominees and groups and individuals like them. These awards are well-earned recognition for the incredible community work that takes place all year round in Cork.”
North Cork nominees: Newtownshandrum Com munity Association, Kilshannig Community Centre, Glanworth Active Retirement, Banteer Community Sportsfield CLG (Overall Group Winner), Tom O’Flynn (Individual Winner), John Arnold (Individual Winner), Fermoy Concert Band, and John Faint.