Seán McCarthy wrote the song but John Redington wrote the novel ‘Shanagolden’. On Monday evening 29th July at the Old Stand Liam Horan, the well known journalist and editor, officially launched Redington’s first publication. After many years of trial and failure John finally got his book published and released into the book shops. It is a fabulous read, inspired by the song, based in Shanagolden and spans the era of 1914 to 1922. The book moves from the local football team winning a county final at the time when Ireland was still under British rule. The conflict between joining the local volunteers or opting to go with the British army divided families and communities. Willie Hartnett, one of the main characters, takes us through the years of turmoil and unrest. The book deals with three major wars: World War I, the War of Independence and the Civil War, but from all the strife and struggles emerged a new beginning, a new Ireland. John Redington captures it all brilliantly and it is well worth a read. Present also on the night was publisher David Rice and our own Johnny Walsh did an excellent job as M.C. Mary and Tony Roche were thanked sincerely for hosting the launch and providing light refreshments. The book goes on sale locally at Mullane’s and Roche’s Supermarkets in Shanagolden and will be available at Reidy’s and Kelly’s in Foynes.