Brendan Walkin Memorial Award awarded to local photographer John Hooton

John Hooton pictured with his wife Noreen, son Richard, daughter Emma and daughter-in-law Maeve, after being presented with the Brendan Walkin Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to Irish Photography. Pictured on right is Rory O’Connor FIPF, who presented the award to John, and on left is Mallow Camera Club Chairperson Barry Murphy. Photo, Pat O’Mara.

Long-standing member of Mallow Camera Club, John Hooton, was recently honoured with the presentation of the Brendan Walkin Memorial Award for his Outstanding Service to Irish Photography, the highest accolade bestowed by the Irish Photographic Federation. With this recognition, John joins a select group of photographers in Ireland who have received this prestigious honour for their dedication to the art of photography.
The presentation was made at a recent meeting the Mallow Camera Club, where chairperson Barry Murphy provided a brief overview of John’s achievements over the years, highlighting the fact that John is considered one of the finest landscape photographers in the country, having received top awards from prestigious organisations such as the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), and the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). Additionally, John has exhibited his work across Ireland, the U.K., Europe, and the USA.
Rory O’Connor FIPF, a council member of the Irish Photographic Federation, attended the event to present John with his medal. He commended John’s significant contributions to Irish photography, his unwavering dedication to his craft, and his enthusiasm for sharing his knowledge and passion for the Irish landscape with fellow photographers. John’s family was also present to join him in celebrating this prestigious award.