Mary Lee Geary with Alison and Tom Dowling, Pride of Place judges, Martina Caulfield and Brid Burke, Limerick City and County Council. Pride of Place Broadford
Mary Lee Geary with Alison and Tom Dowling, Pride of Place judges, Martina Caulfield and Brid Burke, Limerick City and County Council.
Pride of Place Broadford

The judging for Pride of Place took place on Monday July 4th. Mary Lee Geary chairperson welcomed everyone to Broadford and in her address of welcome to the judges she hoped their visit would be a pleasant one. She thanked Canon S. Ambrose for his presence (Fr. O’Dea P.P. was unavailable) and also local public representatives including Tom Neville T.D., Jerome Scanlan, Liam Galvin and Séamus Browne. Presentations were then made under the following headings:- (1) Development Association by David Browne, (2) Sports by Ben Noonan, (3) Activities by Kathleen Barry, (4) Culture by Margaret O’Donnell, (5) Youth and Education By Molly O’Brien, Claire Noonan, Robert McCarthy and Ciara McCarthy. (6) Bridging the Generations by Mike Pierse and Maura O’Donnell. The judges then thanked the community as a whole for their endeavours and unique power point presentation which helped enormously to communicate their message and the wonderful reception they had received in Broadford especially the beautiful sounds of traditional music that greeted them when they arrived. They then inspected each organisation and clubs exhibits which were arranged on billboards around the Community Centre and afterward paid a visit to the National School, the Arboretum, the Daibhí O’Bruadair Monument, the Marian Shrine, the Millennium Garden, the Crèche the Daycare Centre, the Enterprise Centre, The Soccer Complex, the Playground, the Sportsfield and Handball Complex.
The organizing committee wishes to thank all organisations and clubs for the great effort they put into the event and to thank everyone who co-operated in presenting written summaries of their respective clubs and photographs for the project. Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.