BT Young Scientist success for Desmond College Newcastlewest

Sweet Science as Desmond College students Warren Gleeson and Sean Duffy scooped the top prize in the BT Young Scientist Junior Technology Section with INVIGL8 security system.

The two Desmond College students won the coveted Analog Devices Travel Award for their project entitled InVigil8 at the BT Young Scientist Competition. Sean Duffy from Knockaderry and Warren Gleeson of Newcastle West were elated to hear their names called out at a packed RDS hall on Friday evening last. The second year boys won one of the top five prizes which included an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco where they will be the guests of Analog Devices at their headquarters, followed by visits to Google, Intel and Stanford University. In addition to this very sought after prize, the students will receive €2500 for their school. Their project won high praise from the judges who commented on their maturity, scientific understanding and ability to engage the judges when describing how their innovative personal portable security device works. The boys came up with the project following a tragedy in a hotel in Kinsale last year when there was a case of carbon monoxide poisoning. They invented a suitcase with built in features such as CO2 detection, smoke detection, anti-theft device locator and built in night light. In addition the suitcase would charge a range of replacement batteries.

In addition, four innovative groups from Desmond College won Display Awards; Eoghan McMahon, Micheal O’Flynn and John Byrnes with ‘a simple device to ensure the secure closure of manure storage tanks’ Junior Technology, Conor Barry, Martin Madden, AJ O’Connor with their ‘effective device to promote hygiene and safety when performing caesarean sections in cows’, Rose Magner, Lisa Barrow, Laura O’Mahony with ‘Herbo Fermelato silage effluent, turning problems into projects’ and Cieron Scanlan and Michael Upton with ‘the self sanitizing door handle device’.

Not to be outdone and due to popular public interest Cieron Scanlan and Michael Upton secured a coveted slot on ‘The Late Late Show’ where they demonstrated their self-sanitizing door handle hygiene device. During the week as the RDS filled with camera crews and press photographers images of Desmond College students were beamed via news, print and online media to a national audience. TV 3 and Two Tube featured Conor Barry, Martin Madden and AJ O’Connor and their eye catching calving jack designed and constructed with Engineering teacher Tom Byrne, whilst News Today featured Shauna Gayer and Eileen O’Flynn and their innovative anti-wasp candles and lip balm. RTE’s website had an interview with ‘soft shell eggs – a solution’ duo of Kate Brislane and Louise Copse. Tom Flavin, Chris Scannell and John Delee were interviewed on Today FM by Tom Dunne. Other groups held their own in interviews James O’Connor ‘You’ve Got Mail, Orlaith Condon and Nikita Derwin’s ‘Body Clock’, Ciaran Nolan and Mark Danagher’s ‘Chimney Turbine’, and Jack Fanning and Liam Upton’s novel idea for using urine as a fertilizer kept judges and the public enamoured.

Ms. Marie Corkery Science Teacher and Young Scientist Mentor received an ‘Analog Devices Technology Educator of Excellence Award 2012’. This trophy recognises the commitment and encouragement that has enabled her students to participate enthusiastically and successfully in the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition over the last number of years. In addition Marie won an Analog Devices trip to the United States.

Young Scientist 2012 has been yet another successful year for Desmond College’s thirty students and thirteen projects and it could not happen without the assistance from the staff of Desmond College, Ms. Marie Corkery, Mr Tom Byrne, Mr. Donal Enright, Ms Orla Fahy and the Desmond College Parents Association, parents and the generous sponsorship from local businesses and industries. All students have done themselves, their families and school really proud.