Charleville library is hosting a display of art for the next few weeks created by 16-17 year old pupils from St. George’s Christian Brothers School, Bowbazzar, Calcutta, India.
The 700 pupils attending this school either live on the side of the street under plastic sheeting or in dingy one room hovels. In St. George’s, they are provided with a uniform for which they must contribute a small amount of 50 cent. Great care is taken of this uniform. Even though they live in squalor, the children come to school spotless every day. The school also provides a meal for the children. The Community of Christian Brothers is doing fantastic work in providing free education for these children. The children have a great desire for knowledge and education is seen as a passport to a better life.
The pupils are taught on a voluntary basis by Jim O’Farrell, an artist from Limerick. Jim is the former vice principal of Hospital Community School. The children were asked by Jim to submit work that typified life in India. The pupils have created a variety of stunning images depicting cultural features of India. Hopefully, their obvious talent will lead to great things.
The local people associated with “Calcutta Calling’ who travel to Calcutta are very grateful for the financial support they receive. All money donated goes directly towards the welfare of the children. We would like to give our sincere thanks to Charleville Library and John Harrold for their kind cooperation.