Two members of Mallow Camera Club recently received top international awards. John Hooton won a PSA (Photographic Society of America) gold medal with his colour image titled ‘Shipwreck on Rossbeigh Beach’ at the French Salon Le Catalan 2013. Among the other Irish entrants to have work accepted was Bill Power, Chairman of Mallow Camera Club.
In a separate Salon, run by the Photo Association of Serbia, Bill Power was awarded his first PSA gold medal for his image ‘Amethyst Deceiver’ in the nature section. John also had images accepted into this salon. These salons attract entries from all over the world and in recent years photo-graphers from Ireland have been to the fore in the awards.
Mallow Camera Club Committee are currently organising their programme for the upcoming season. The club, now in its 28th year, has gone from strength to strength and is recognised as one of the top camera clubs in the country. The club resumes its meetings in September and promises a season full of new ideas, national and international guest speakers. Mallow Camera Club is affiliated to the Southern Association of Camera Clubs and the Irish Photographic Federation. Chairman Bill Power is also Chairman of the Southern Association and this year they will be hosting the Celtic Challenge at the end of September. This is the first time that this competition is being held in the southern region. The competition attracts entries from Scotland, Wales, England, the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Guernsey and promises to be a weekend of unrivalled photography. More details can be found on the Mallow Camera Club website
The first meeting of the new season will take place on Monday 16th September at 8.30pm in the Mercy Centre. New members are especially welcome. The club caters for all levels from beginners to the more advanced photographer. For further information contact John Doheny 086 8246474 or John Hooton 087 2516042