Shanagolden Education Resource Centre celebrated the educational achievements of 16 graduating and current students from Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS), Shanagolden as they received FETAC Level 5 Business Studies awards, Component Certificates and eBusiness award. This year’s ceremony also marked 13 years of VTOS education provision by County Limerick Vocational Education Committee at Shanagolden. Leesha Foley, VTOS Co-coordinator described the range of subject areas presented as “reflecting the role that Lifelong Learning plays in equipping people with skills to adapt, upskill and move into new areas of employment or in particular further learning”. The subjects included Computer Skills such as Desktop Publishing, Word Processing, Payroll, the Internet, Communications, Business Administration, eBusiness, Work Experience, Painting and Drawing, Personal Effectiveness. ECDL certificates were also presented. The ceremony was opened by Cllr Mary Jackman, Cathaoirleach of County Limerick VEC Board. Presentations were also made to the students by invited guest speakers Sean Burke, CEO, Eimear Brophy AEO, Co. Limerick VEC, Gerald Griffin, National VTOS Co-ordinator, Carina Prendeville, Board of Management and VTOS tutor Maureen Barry-Fitzgerald. VTOS graduate Brigid McGregor who received an eBusiness award spoke of her positive experience in returning to education, the skills that she learned and the support she received at VTOS Shanagolden from fellow students and tutors. Current student Gerry Whelan on behalf of students who are in their second year of study described the course as being a positive and rewarding experience. “I spent 26 years in the motor trade industry and didn’t know how to turn on a computer. Today the future looks good and I have a lot more options open to me”. Gerry is hoping to pursue a career in animal care. Congratulations to all the recipients. VTOS Shanagolden can be contacted at 069-60106 or mobile 086-0219674. This course is open to those in receipt of social welfare and over the age of 21 years.
December 5, 2012
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