Colaiste Na Trocaire Parent’s Council made presentations to former Principal Mr. John Brouder and former Vice Principal Ms. Marguerite Fitzgerald on their retirements. The Parent’s Council would like to acknowledge all the work, services and support they gave to the association down through the years. Mr. Kevin Cusack, Principal was also presented with a cheque for school improvements. The Parent’s Council funded the new Interactive Whiteboards in the school which will benefit all the students. Some members of the Parent’s Council are busy preparing for their AGM which takes place on Monday 24th October at 7pm in the school. We would encourage parents to come along and we look forward to meeting new parents with new ideas which will help all our students to reap the benefits. Finally the Parent’s Council would like to thank Gerry Molyneaux and the Weekly Observer for coverage of these events.

October 19, 2011
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