A proposal in Limerick County Council’s draft Local Development Plan for Newcastle West, published last week, for a distributor road through the town’s Demesne is set to prove controversial.

The proposal would see a new road along the Demesne, linking Church Street with the Killough-teen junction on the N21.

Opposition to this controversial aspect of the plan is being mobilised ahead of an information session about the Local Area Plan being held in the County Council Area Office next Monday, 10th February, from 6 to 8 pm.

Newcastle West Tidy Towns Committee have expressed serious concerns about the proposal and are urging all people who love the Demesne to voice their objection to any potential intrusion on the open spaces of the town’s park-land. “Monday evening’s meeting will be a perfect opportunity for the townspeople and those from the surrounding area to use the democratic process to make their feelings known and to protect the town’s most important public amenity,” a spokesperson said.

Also opposing the controversial proposal is Newcastle West based Councillor Damien Riedy. “I will be opposing any road near or going through the Demesne, as any road would affect the beauty, tranquility and heritage of the area. The area was gifted to the people of Newcastle and it should remain so in its entirety,” he insisted.

The plan is currently on display until 10th March at the local library and Limerick County Council. The Local Area Plan for Newcastle West for 2014–2020 encompasses the zoning and rezoning of land since the last local area plan in 2008.

Written submissions and objections to the plan may be made to the Forward Planning Section, County Hall. Dooradoyle, Limerick or before 5 pm on Monday 10th March.