As part of the Irish Performing Arts Festival, the COPE Foundation will run a series of events in Mallow from next Wednesday to Friday, June 26th-28th, providing three days of culture and entertainment in the town. On Wednesday a photographic, art, and craft exhibition will open in Mallow Library, followed by a reading of excerpts from recently published books by local authors including COPE service user Richard O’Callaghan, who has just written a book titled ‘The Life and Times of Richard O’Callaghan’. Also in attendance, authors John Michael Cahill and Gerard O’Callaghan will read excerpts from their recently published books ‘Four Walls and a Roof’ and ‘Memories and Make-Believe’. The photographic exhibition will be on the theme ‘My Town, My Place’. Portraits are of service users from the Mallow centre, photo-graphed with well-known people from the local community. This exhibition is in conjunction with Mallow Camera Club. The art and craft on display will include paintings, patchwork, soft toys, pottery and more, created by service users at the Mallow centre.
On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June at 12 noon there will be street entertainment at Market Square, with dance perfor-mances from Kaleidoscope Drama Group and community performers, a Tai Chi demonstration featuring service users from COPE Foundation and people from the com-munity, set dancing, music and solo artists from Mallow Training Centre and the community, and a stall selling craft items from the Mallow centre.