Due to current weather conditions Cork County Council is anxious to ensure water is conserved as much as possible and their Water Conservation Management Group convened for a second time to help manage supplies across the county. The following measures have been introduced by the Council:
– All vacant council houses/properties being checked for leaks
– All beach showers will be shut off for the duration of the drought
– All public toilets being checked for running taps, leaks, flushing malfunctions
– Leakage identification and repair is being prioritised on the schemes where the supply is under most pressure. The Council is working with Irish Water to facilitate quick intervention by Irish Water’s first fix contractor where significant customer side leaks have been identified. This can have a big impact on some of the schemes under pressure.
Water restrictions are still in place in Clonakilty, Crosshaven and Kealkill. Water is being tankered into reservoirs in the distribution system in Clonakilty and Freemount which is working well.
Cork County Council staff are monitoring water usage across all services, focusing in particular on any leaks within Council properties or extraordinary usage.
Together with Irish Water, the Council is calling on communities and businesses across Cork to be mindful of all consumption of public water. Every effort made by the public, at home or at work, will help to alleviate pressure on the water system.
Cork County Council continue to manage the conservation of water supplies
July 12, 2018
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