Cork Sports Partnership Rebel  Run A Mile 2020 at St. Joseph’s Foundation, Charleville

‘You don’t realise what this means after the lockdown, it’s fantastic’
Cork Sport Partnership co-ordinated the new and improved Rebel Run A Mile 2020 in conjuinction with sponsors, Boston Scientific. Building on the success of recent years, the Rebel Run A Mile Challenge is a six week walk to jog programme supporting adults in St. Joseph’s Foundation to build up to completing one mile by the end of the 6 weeks.
With over 180 adults from six disability services throughout Cork City and County registered to participate, it has reached record numbers this year! Participants are accessing the programme within day services, residential services, community hubs, not to mention taking part at home if they currently do not have access to their services.
Peter, a participant from St. Joseph’s Foundation shared his experience:
‘I loved the Rebel Run, we were practising each week and it has kept me fit, healthy and moving’
Cork Sport Partnership has worked closely with disability services across Cork to redesign and reinvent the programme to suit the current environment. These services include: Brothers of Charity, CoAction West Cor, L’Arche Community, St. Raphael’s, Youghal, St. Joseph’s Foundation, Charleville and COPE Foundation.
‘The excitement and delight to be meeting and be part of a programme, you don’t reaslise what this means after the lockdown, it’s fantastic. Well done to the team in Cork Sports Partnership for the work in putting the programme and booklet together’. Teresa Forrest, St. Raphael’s Youghal.
A key addition and success to this year’s programme has been the upskilling and empowerment of disability service staff. 31 staff registered and participated in training organised and provided by Cork Sport Partnership. This training and empowerment allowed for staff to take a leadership role and guide their participants through the walking and jogging sessions which has since created a culture of regular physical activity for adults in the services.
‘We, at Boston Scientific, are both honoured and privileged to be involved in this wonderful programme which strives to encourage people of various abilities to stay active across Cork County. It is truly inspirational the work that goes into making this programme bigger and better every year. All at Boston Scientific have been delighted to support the programme and cheer on the participants virtually this year’ Derrine Dwyer, Site Lead of LEAD (Leadership, Education and Allies for Disabilities) in Boston Scientific.
Kate Feeney, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, co-ordinator of the programme highlighted ‘In the current environment we were delighted to bring a group of lead staff from disability services across Cork together to help design a quality and valuable programme. It is our goal together with the disability service staff to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable experience for all. We are proud to be able to roll this programme out with the support of all the leaders in the services and thank them for their support.’
On beginning the programme, all participants received a Training Booklet with access to tutor led videos to guide them through the programme and received a Rebel Run A Mile Technical T-shirt. On completing the programme all participants received a medal and certificate for all their hard work and training throughout the six week programme.
‘This programme will offer worthwhile and meaningful opportunities for services in Cork to engage in physical activity in these very strange times. The Rebel Run a Mile Challenge allows the participants to build up to jogging one full mile in 6 weeks. The participants are supported throughout this journey by both Cork Sports Partnership and their leaders. Thank you again to Boston Scientific for supporting this valuable programme’, Craig Harrington, Athletics Development Officer Cork and CIT.
Cork Sport Partnership welcomed the following reactions and responses from services:
‘Being part of the Rebel Run a Mile Programme is helping us to re-focus on our physical and mental well-being. We’re feeling enthusiastic and motivated by the programme and happy to know that there are many others doing this as well’, Vivian O’Brien, L’Arche Day Service Co-Ordinator.
‘We have had participants taking part from COPE Foundation every year and this one is no different with 47 participants taking part. This year is even more important due to the restrictions Covid-19 has placed on every sort of physical activity programme. There are a number of reasons why we entered this programme; it lifts our mood, boosts our mental state and makes us feel good. A recipe for success!’ Susan Murphy, Sport and Recreation Dept COPE Foundation.
This programme is delivered through the Cork Sports Partnership, Sports Inclusion Disability Programme which aims to support adults of all abilities across Cork to be active.
For more information on any of the above, please contact Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, Kate Feeney or visit