Daisy was born Daisy Fitzgerald in Knocknasna, Co. Limerick, she now lives in Ballyhahill with her husband Michael where they reared their family of 5 daughters. Daisy is acclaimed, both at home and abroad, as a gifted Seanchaí. Her talent for storytelling was nurtured while growing up as her parents’ home was frequented as a rambling house and it was here that she picked up many of the stories in her vast repertoire. Some of the storytellers she remembers were the Cullinane brothers and Jack Casey. Her mother possessed a wide range of stories and these she passed on to Daisy. She won 3 All Ireland titles in storytelling at Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann. Daisy travelled to various countries on Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Eireann concert tours where she shared her stories with a very appreciative audience. Daisy is also a long term member of the Carrickerry Wrenboys with whom she has won 8 All Ireland titles.
She is also known for her set dancing ability and in 1995 she was a member of the Ballyhahill half set who won the All Ireland in Castlerea.
October 27, 2016
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