Davis College robotics team wins trip to LA

Davis College students are flying high this week after winning the Excellence Award at the Vex Robotics Competition in Cork Institute of Technology last Friday 24th January, and for their prize they will travel to Los Angeles in April where their robot will compete in the World Robotics Championship. Sixteen secondary schools in Cork competed in the competition last Friday, and the overall winner on the day was the 16-student ‘DC Robotics’ team. This is the second year running that Davis College has scooped the Excellence Award. On the day they showcased two very unique robots, one of which made it to the quarter final, and the other went all the way to the final. The students were well organised, having fundraised to buy matching T-shirts on which each student’s role on the team was printed on the back. They had builders, designers, fundraisers, scouts, web designer and programmers. It was evident that Davis College had embraced the full meaning of the competition, pro-ducing two outstanding robots, an amazing stand, brochures for the judges, a mascot and their own website ‘dcrobotics.weebly.com’. It was a great win and the students are now hard at work preparing for their trip to LA in April.