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Desmond College  Represent Ireland in Global Trade Fair

The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is a cutting edge, world recognised, youth entrepre-neurship education and development programme. It is managed and provided by Foróige in Ireland and is affiliated to NFTE International. The NFTE programme originated in the USA and was brought to Ireland in 2004.
In July, Ciara Brouder and Melissa Flaherty, two transition year students of Desmond College, entered NFTE Global Business Plan competition, following intense competition and having to pitch their business idea “Safety Harness Attach-ment” the two students were elated when it was announced that they had been selected to represent Ireland at the Global Trade Fair in New York in October.
Ciara and Melissa were awarded with an all expenses trip to New York, where they will visit the World Trade Centre, the United Nations and they will display their company to teams from Israel, Germany, China, Russia and twenty-five state winners from the U.S.A.