Donations pour in for Cork Penny Dinners

The generosity of readers of the Vale/Mallow Star was highlighted in the past few weeks when an appeal for donations to Cork Penny Dinners received an overwhelming response. The newspaper asked readers to donate sweets and biscuits to the Cork charity after Christmas, and donations flooded into the Mallow and Charleville offices, so much so that three carloads were delivered to the charity in Cork city.
Catriona Twomey of Cork Penny Dinners this week thanked Vale/Mallow Star readers for their generosity. “It’s been a brilliant treat for the people using the Cork Penny Dinners service, and we’re so grateful to the many people who gave so generously.” Staff at the Vale/Mallow Star also expressed appreciation for the wonderful public support for the appeal, which is in its second year, and they hope to do it again next year.