Dromahane to host new film and concert on Jesus’s life

Anthony O’Connell from Mallow who plays the part of Jesus in the film ‘The Man From Nazareth’ which will be screened in Dromahane Community Centre on Saturday, 27th July, at 7.30pm.

Film composer and multi-instrumentalist Girish Paul will perform the entire music score from the new film titled ‘The Man From Nazareth’ at a special concert with the film screening event at Dromahane Community Centre on Saturday, 27th July, at 7.30pm. Together with Cork producer Carmel Barrett, the team behind the 2023 tour of their much-loved concert production ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’, which was officially listed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as ‘a masterpiece’, will bring to Dromahane the epic story of the life of Jesus Christ, from his birth in a lowly stable in Bethlehem, his early days, his meeting with John the Baptist, the fisherman Peter, his journey into Jerusalem, his betrayal, ultimate resurrection and his message to all Humanity.
Well known for his spec-tacular stage performances, Girish single-handedly performs the heartwarming music score with his virtual orchestra in which he plays many instruments live on stage to the full orchestral score that will take the audience from the modern day back 2,000 years. The concert is supported by dramatic on-screen filmed performances by talented Irish actors that include Sean Ahern as John the Baptist, Liam Howard as Pontius Pilate, and Mallow’s very own Anthony O’Connell in his debut role as The Christ.
Says Girish: “We’re delighted to bring the greatest story ever told to Mallow as part of our national tour of local communities and wish to thank Mr. John O’Riordan at Dromahane Community Centre for his hard work and effort in hosting this powerful film and concert event for the local communities of Dromahane, Glantane, Bweeng and Mallow itself.”
“All of our productions feature world famous stories with powerful messages to entertain, inform and inspire our audiences, such as Gandhi, Anne Frank and Jesus. As the world has spiralled into conflict on so many fronts, we felt that here was an opportunity to reach out to audiences with some of Christ’s messages via our new film that takes just a couple of hours, aided and abetted by beautiful music to tell a story that has lasted over 2,000 years.
“Most of all, as world leaders, politicians and we ourselves struggle to solve today’s problems or to see any way forward out of personal and global conflicts, perhaps Christ’s message may well be as inspirational and relevant to today’s troubled world as it was all those centuries ago.
“This event will sweep the audience from Ireland today back through the ages to a time when the Roman Empire ruled the ancient world, to a place of great suffering, and to a stable where a child was born, one who grew up to be revered by millions today across the globe.
“Several instruments will be performed on the night, aided by a studio-recorded full orchestral score to fuel the imagination and reach into the heart.
“Making his screen debut is Mallow’s very own actor Anthony O’Connell as Jesus Christ, whose performance ranks up there with the Hollywood films.
“Producer Carmel Barrett and I were blessed to have been able to film the scenes across Cork, including Mallow, and at parish churches in Wilton, Togher, Glanmire, at St. Finbarr’s Cathedral, and at Garryvoe beach
“Some of the scenes in the show are unsuitable for young children under 12, so, to comply with IFCO rules, we would advise parents not to attend with children under 12. Also there is flash photography throughout the concert.
“Tickets are just €10 and can be bought at the door on the night. Seats are strictly limited so it’s best to be there early to avoid disappointment,” he said.
The official film and concert trailer and its music can be viewed at: www.girishpaul.com