Kilfinane is set to enjoy a huge boost with the planned development of a €1m multi-purpose arena at Scoil Pól, writes John Barrett.
The development comes on foot of an evaluation carried out by the board of management and staff at the school which identified the need for a large multi-purpose space in which to accommodate the continued expansion of the sporting, dramatic and musical facilities at Scoil Pól.
School Principal Mike O’Hara told the Vale Star, “Despite repeated appeals to the Department of Education for the provision of such a space, it has been decided to go ahead and fundraise ourselves to provide the facility.”
And while the building, to be known as The Arena, is planned for Scoil Pól, the principal is adamant that this facility will also be available for the benefit of the wider community throughout South Limerick. “An indoor facility that can cater for sports, music and drama events is badly needed in the Kilfinane area.
Having such a facility idle outside of school hours would be wasteful and will not happen,” the principal added.
The Arena will include changing rooms, shower and toilet facilities and a flexible layout to accommodate the construction of a stage for musicals, drama productions and award ceremonies, while the large playing area will be sub divided to allow for maximum use of the space.
The actual structure itself is to be an advanced tensioned membrane modular building, comprising of an aluminium portal frame anchored to a reinforced concrete ring beam foundation with a reinforced concrete floor. Similar type buildings are used throughout the world in the most extreme of weather conditions and for a diverse number of applications.
Companies such as Tesla and Aerospace use similar structures and a growing number of schools are turning to them for a cost effective solution to their needs.
“Such an endeavour will obviously require a huge fundraising effort. Following from the decision to build The Arena, plans were formed to raise the necessary €1m and a wide variety of events are being planned. Scoil Pól Parents’ Association already organised a very successful Christmas raffle which raised over €11,000.
“We have been extremely fortunate to have received a number of donations as well, resulting in over €150,000 being raised to date. Continuing the effort, we have a 48-hour Wallballaton in the school hall from this Friday, 4th February at 9am until 9am on Sunday morning. All teams, along with staff at Scoil Pól, are giving their time and we are delighted to be joined as well by some sixth-class students from a few of our neighbouring schools on Friday.
“To donate to this marathon event, please log on to the GoFundMe page ‘Scoil Pol Arena’, where every euro subscribed will be very much appreciated. Our target for our Wallballaton is €20,000,” the Kilfinane school principal concluded.
Details of further events will be featured in the Vale Star, social media pages – on Twitter@scoilPol, Facebook: Scoil Pol, Kilfinane, Instagram: scoil_pol_kilfinane and on
(Read the full story inside)
€1million multi-purpose arena planned for Kilfinane
February 3, 2022
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