A very exciting package arrived at St. Mary’s Boys’ School last week. It was addressed to Mrs. Carroll who is the Blue Star Programme co-ordinator at St. Mary’s. She was ably assisted in opening it by lots of enthusiastic boys and inside the package lay our European Flag and Certificates to confirm our successful engagement with and completion of the Blue Star Programme. Work on this programme began in September and continued throughout the year culminating in the visit of Deirdre Clune MEP on Monday 21st May. Boys from a variety of EU countries welcomed Deirdre and Laura who accompanied her as well as Councillor Liam Galvin. The guests were shown to the hall where the pupils entertained them with music, song and comedy. The junior classes presented Deirdre with work samples from the many projects undertaken during the Blue Star Programme while the older boys introduced the displays in the hall illustrating the different facets of the EU under the theme of “United in Diversity”.The various ways in which difference is accepted and embraced at St. Mary’s were outlined to her and she engaged in a lively Q&A session with the boys. Lots of tasty foods associated with different EU countries were sampled and thoroughly enjoyed by all. The programme was embraced and enjoyed by staff and pupils alike and everybody learned more about our EU neighbours and about the organisation and structure of the EU. St. Mary’s are now proud to fly their European Flag in celebration of their work. Picture are some pupils from St. Marys Boys N.S. Abbeyfeale proudly pose with their new European Flag: Gerry OConnor, Daniel O Connell, Cormac Brogan and at back Romel David, Jack ORiordan, Marvellous Ivo, Ethan OConnell, Najam Umair and Shane Collins. Photo by Paul Ward
A very exciting package arrived in St. Mary’s Boys’ School last week. It was addressed to Mrs Carroll who is the Blue Star Programme co-ordinator at St. Mary’s. She was ably assisted in opening it by lots of enthusiastic boys and insdie the package lay our European Flag and Certificates to confirm our successful engagement with and completion of the Blue Star Programme. Work on this programme began in September and continued throughout the year culminating in the visit of Deirdre Clune MEP on Monday 21st May. Boys from a variety of EU countries welcomed Deirdre and Laura who accompanied her as well as Councillor Liam Galvin. The guests were shown to the hall where the pupils entertained them with music, song and comedy. The junior classes presented Deirdre with work samples from the many projects undertaken during the Blue Star Programme while the older boys introduced the displays in the hall illustrating the different facets of the EU under the theme of ‘United in Diversity’. The various ways in which difference is accepted and embraced at St. Mary’s were outlined to her and she engaged in a livey Q&A session with the boys. Lots of tasty foods associated with different EU countries were sampled and thorougly enjoyed by all. The programme was embraced and enjoyed by staff and pupils alike and everybody learned more about our EU neighbours and about the organisation and structure of the EU. St. Mary’s are now proud to fly their European Flag in celebration of their work.