Feasibility study to take place on Mallow-Dungarvan Greenway

Cork County Council and Waterford City and County Council, in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, have confirmed that an additional feasibility study will be undertaken on the Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway. The project team will use the summer months to take stock of the strategic plan for the project to ensure that it is in the best possible position to progress successfully through the future planning process and onwards to delivery. The feasibility review will also ensure the project remains consistent with updated national policies. Upon com-pletion of the feasibility study, and subject to continued funding availability, it is anticipated that the scheme will progress to design and environmental evaluation, prior to seeking planning consent.
Mallow Development Partnership this week stated that the proposed Mallow to Dungarvan Greenway would give a badly-needed boost to the economic well-being of Mallow, Fermoy and North Cork generally. “The present updated report on the project from Cork County Council and Waterford City and County Council identifies a new walking and cycling path, providing a world class tourism and recreational experience linking with local population centres, sports pitches and schools.
“At the Mallow end, starting in Mallow Train Station and generally following the old abandoned rail line, the Greenway will open up the whole Blackwater Valley, bringing renewed optimism to villages such as Killavullen, Bally-hooley and Castletown-roche, while making many iconic sites such as Mallow Castle, Doneraile Park and Annesgrove Gardens more accessible to locals and visitors alike.
“The project aim is to minimise potential impacts to landowners, minimise potential impacts to sensitive and protected environmental habitats and create unique experiences to interpret the areas industrial heritage.
“A Greenway can bring economic stimulus to an area with job opportun-ities, business openings and overall well-being to the community. Dungar-van and Waterford are very good examples of this and, with the good-will and co-operation of all stakeholders, Mallow and North Cork can equally benefit.”
As the project develops, project updates will be available at www.corkrdo.ie/mallow-to-dungarvan-greenway/ and any future public consultations on the study area will be advertised in due course.