Former Limerick senior football captain Séanie Buckley is taking on a new challenge early next month. The Drom-Broadford stalwart is one of ten people going on a mission to Zambia with the Alan Kerins Project, in partnership with Gorta-Self Help Africa, and he will depart for Africa on 2nd April.
Gorta-Self Help Africa is a leading international expertise in small-scale farming and encouraging family-farm businesses, and is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty in rural Africa. 250 million people in Africa, farmers and their families, suffer hunger and malnutrition, struggling in extreme rural poverty without enough food; left behind by rising economic growth.
To raise funds for the project, the former Limerick captain, who hopes to raise up to €10,000 for the charity, will hold a table quiz in Fitzgerald’s Woodlands House Hotel this Thursday evening, 8th March, at 8.30pm. Tables of four cost €40, and all support for this worthy cause would be appreciated.
Former captain off to Zambia
March 8, 2018
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