A number of service users of T.E.S.S., St Joseph’s Foundation Charleville were recently awarded Gaisce and NALA awards. The following is a speech given on the night commending their achievements.
“Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon, everyone. It is an absolute honour to be with you today to celebrate a truly remark-able group of young adults who have earned the Gaisce award, the Presi-dent’s award.
Firstly, to the parents and grandparents in the room, your unwavering support and love have been the backbone of these achieve-ment. You have nurtured, encouraged and believed in these incredible young people and your role in their success cannot be overstated. Thank you for your dedication and for the countless sacrifices you’ve made to help them reach this milestone.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our tutors, Noreen, Brid, Reda, Sean, Dan, Ann from Tess and Samantha from Fame, who have supported and guided these young adults throughout their journey. Your dedication, patience and wisdom have been instrumental in helping them realise their potential. You have not only imparted knowledge but also inspired confidence and fostered a sense of accomplishment. Thank you for being such an integral part of their success.
But most importantly, to our recipients here today, Emma, Darragh, TJ, Cialan and the two Arrons and David, Karl and James who are receiving the NALA award here today also. Congratulations to each and every one of you. Your hard work, deter-mination and perseverance have led you to this moment of recognition on this very special day.
The Gaisce award is not just a testament to your abilities but a celebration of your journey, your spirit and your unwavering commitment to personal growth and community involvement. You have demonstrated remarkable courage and resilience and today, we applaud you.
The award is a symbol of the bright futures that lie ahead for each of you. It is a reminder that no obstacle is too great and that with determination and support, anything is possible. You have shown us all what it means to push boundaries and exceed expectations.
As you move forward, remember that this achievement is just the beginning. The skills you’ve developed, the friendships you’ve made and the experiences you’ve gained will continue to guide and inspire you. You have the power to shape your own destinies and to make a positive impact on the world around you.
Today, we celebrate not only your accomplishments but also the boundless potential within each of you. You are the embodiment of hope, strength and possibility. Continue to dream big, work hard, and never lose sight of the incredible things you can achieve and the joy you bring to all our lives.
Congratulations once again, and thank you for inspiring us all.
Thank you.”