Twin brothers Jamie and Jason Harty from Rathkeale, who both claimed European boxing silver medals in August, have been named as the latest winners of the Performance in Sport Award.
The Rathkeale Boxing Club members reached the finals of their respective weight categories before losing out to Russian opponents at the 2013 EUBC European School-boys Boxing Champion-ships in the Citywest Hotel in Dublin. The Harty twins were among 10 Irish medallists at the champ-ionships.
Sponsored by Limerick-based first aid and medical device specialists, Fleming Medical in conjunction with Limerick Sports Partnership, the Perform-ance in Sport Award was launched in early 2013 to recognise the valuable contribution made by sporting clubs and organ-isations to community life throughout Limerick.
Open to all 700 clubs in Limerick city and county, the winners of the monthly award are decided by a committee made up of LSP staff and Fleming Medical staff. At the end of the year the monthly winners will be invited to the County Limerick Local Sports Partnership (CLLSP) annual awards ceremony where the sporting per-formance of the year will win an AED (provided by Fleming Medical) worth €2,400, an AED training evening for eight people worth €600 and a perpetual trophy.