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Hospital School in Valentine’s Day Road Safety Appeal

The Road Safety Club at John the Baptist Community School, run by TY students, have organised a campaign ‘BELT UP this Valentine’s Day’ to highlight the importanceof wearing seat belts, especially on the school buses. They are targeting 1st years and are using cupcakes to get their message across. They arranged the cupcakes in the shape of a heart and a belt up sign. These were shown to 1st years at assembly on Tuesday.

The importance of wearing seatbelts on school buses was emphasised here also.

The road safety campaign has been running at JTBCS since 2007. That year there were 338 fatalities on the road whereas in 2011 there were 186 fatalities. The club has also been engaged in other activities throughout the year, and hope next year to publish a calendar using artwork they gathered by running an art competition in the school.