The Ireland Reaching Out (IrelandXO) programme is based on a simple idea; instead
of waiting for people of Irish descent to trace their roots, we go the other way. Working through voluntary effort at a townland, village and parish level in Ireland, we identify who left those areas, and trace them and their descendants worldwide. IrelandXO offers a free service and it is a not for profit organisation.
If your ancestors came from Churchtown or Liscarroll and you would like to find out more about them, the IrelandXO programme will try to help you as part of your research. This reverse genealogy entails the tracing and recording of all the people who left Ireland and seeking out their living descendants worldwide. Those identified or recognised as persons of Irish heritage or affiliation are invited to become part of a new extended Irish society.
IrelandXO offers an extraordinary opportunity for local parish communities to extend the numbers of people committed to their parish by inviting its own Diaspora worldwide to become involved in their place of origin. This programme is an opportunity to boost tourism and bring economic benefit to the area.
Please visit the website for more information
For more information about Ireland Reaching Out in Churchtown or Liscarroll email or