Cllr. John Paul O’Shea marked the end of an action-packed 12 months as Mayor of County Cork by saddling up and hosting a ‘Hooley in The Hall’ last Friday at Cork County Hall. The event was a fundraiser for the Mercy Hospital Foundation and Pieta House, and everyone attending arrived in cowboy and cowgirl-themed outfits.
Speaking at the event, Mayor O’Shea said, ‘I couldn’t think of a better way to close my year as mayor than celebrating it with the people of Cork county. We are celebrating a great year where comm-unities, businesses, col-leagues, stakeholders and supporters worked in uni-son to make this county the best we can be. Despite our challenges, we have so much to be proud of here in County Cork.”
He added that funds raised on the night would go directly towards develop-ing a cancer care centre where patients of the Mercy Hospital and their families can avail of a quiet, safe and supportive environment, while Cork’s Pieta House will put all funds raised towards continuing to provide a safe place for people who are in suicidal distress and/or self-harming.
(See photos, page 19)