To mark the 6th anniversary of his death, Knockfierna Historical Society remem-bered the late Mannix Joyce with a weekend of events recently. A leading historian and scholar, Mannix Joyce was born in 1924 and died on 3rd July 2006. He was recognised as Limerick’s leading historian with several books to his credit – The History of Dromin/Athlacca, published in 1978, Portrait of Limerick 1982, Limerick People and Places 1993 and From Bruree to Corcomohide 2000. He also published two books as Gaeilge – Mariodh Sean Sabhat Areir 1964 and Cois Maighe na gCaor 1965.

A regular attendee at Knockfierna, the weekend events opened with old video recordings of Mannix Joyce recorded there during the period 1985 – 1995.

Mrs Theresa Buckley from Dromin/Athlacca com-plimented the Knockfierna Heritage Society for com-memorating the memory of Mannix Joyce and also spoke of his time involved with Conradh na Gaeilge. She also spoke of the wonderful work he did on the history and heritage in the area. Ann Phelan of Castlemahon recalled the names of over 40 people, among them Mannix Joyce, who had participated at the Knockfierna Rambling House over the years and who have now gone to their eternal reward.