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Knockfierna Rambling House on New Year’s Day

David O'Riordan, Granagh, Pat O'Donovan and JOhn O'Riordan, Ballinvreena recalled their 30 years of involvement at the rambling house session at Knockfierna. Knockfierna Rambling House on New Years Day
David O’Riordan, Granagh, Pat O’Donovan and JOhn O’Riordan, Ballinvreena recalled their 30 years of involvement at the rambling house session at Knockfierna.
Knockfierna Rambling House on New Years Day

A very large crowd attended the 30th anniversary of the Rambling House at Knockfierna on New Year’s Day. The day’s events commenced with the annual walk to the top of Knockfierna Hill which had a much larger turnout than expected due to inclement weather conditions. Following the walk, tea, scones and cakes were served at the Rambling House.

At 4.15pm the music, story and song sessions started out continued nonstop until 7.15pm. The day’s events were recorded with much favourable comment describing the entert-ainment above all expectations. Among those providing enter-tainment were Tom Maloney, Croagh on banjo, Tom O’Donoghue, Castlemahon on accordion, Steven Maloney, Croom story and song, Tom O’Riordan, Granagh song, Sean O’Sullivan, Ardagh, song, mouth organ, Mary O’Keeffe, Croagh storytelling, P.J. O’Driscoll, Churchtown, Co. Cork song, Denis Hawe, Charleville accordion, mouth organ, Con Warren, Newcastle West song, Sony Egan, Kilf-lynn, Co. Kerry stories, monologues, Tom Costello, Abbeydorney accordion, Con Cremin, Ardagh song, Patrick Lenihan, Foynes accordion, Clodagh Lenihan, Foynes harp, Rachel Lenihan, Foynes concertina, Teresa Buckley, Athlacca song, Anthony Sheehy, Askeaton mouth organ, John O’Riordan, Granagh accordion/song, David O’Riordan, Granagh story/song, Nuala Kelly, Kilmeedy song, Christy Kelly, Kilmeedy monologue, Ann Phelan, Castlemahon violin, Gaireal MacCurtáin, Broadford song, Tom Fanning, Carrick-on-Shannon poem, Kathleen Herlihy, Tralee story/monologue, Kay Molo-ney, Croagh story/spoons and Josie Aherne, Croagh stories.